πŸ’€πŸ’€The Age Of Gods And Monsters lives on in the hearts and imaginations of those that wish to keep it alive. Ghoulish Grin Films is a small entity but its heart is on fire with the ghosts of old. It is an entity that cherishes the classics and gives it a modern platform. Long Live Indie Horror! πŸ’€πŸ’€ Welcome to the site...and thank you for your support! Enjoy!

Should Old Acquaintance Be Forgot...

2017 was kind of a strange year. A mixed bag for a lot of people. Coming off of 2016, which most folks just wanted to forget, I had high hopes. But I have learned now that maybe that burst of greatness in one shot isn't going to pop up it's head and it's more of the long and winding road. I do enjoy the journey, though.
2017 was filled with a mixture of what we normally get out of life. The good and the bad. I started out optimistic (I am naturally optimistic) and felt the same disappointment and worry as everyone else. And then the year closed with a historic fire the likes of which my state hasn't seen in many a year. I felt like I went through something. Time will tell what feelings will spring out of my heart when remembering.
2017 is almost gone. Now is the time to mentally recharge. Mentally regain the momentum. To become optimistic again. I hope and pray for the world to continue on it's path to a better place. A better future. Now is the time to dream.

2018...I'm happy to see you.


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