πŸ’€πŸ’€The Age Of Gods And Monsters lives on in the hearts and imaginations of those that wish to keep it alive. Ghoulish Grin Films is a small entity but its heart is on fire with the ghosts of old. It is an entity that cherishes the classics and gives it a modern platform. Long Live Indie Horror! πŸ’€πŸ’€ Welcome to the site...and thank you for your support! Enjoy!

Remembering "The Sixth Sense" - Happy Birthday Haley Joel Osment!

A very happy birthday to actor Haley Joel Osment, who was BRILLIANT in the great 1999 thriller "The Sixth Sense," directed by M. Night Shyamalan. Mr. Osment received a Best Supporting Actor nomination that year, becoming the second youngest actor to do so. And the film itself was M. Night's rise to fame in a very turbulent career. He seems to have gotten back on track and this is great to see. The film is one of the finest thrillers put to film.


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