πŸ’€πŸ’€The Age Of Gods And Monsters lives on in the hearts and imaginations of those that wish to keep it alive. Ghoulish Grin Films is a small entity but its heart is on fire with the ghosts of old. It is an entity that cherishes the classics and gives it a modern platform. Long Live Indie Horror! πŸ’€πŸ’€ Welcome to the site...and thank you for your support! Enjoy!

Tips To Cure The Halloween Blues

Halloween has come and gone. It was magical while it lasted.
And now the holiday season is ramping up, with frantic families shopping for not only Turkey Day but Christmas presents for December. The Spooky Season seems long out of sight...in the rear view mirror.
Some of us love Halloween. For some, our favorite holiday. So seeing all of this 'holiday cheer' may be a complete U-Turn from the spectacular ghosts and goblins hiding in our imaginations and in our hearts. What is one ghoulie to do?
Here are some tips to keep Halloween alive year round, even amongst the madness that is Black Friday and Christmas Crazies.

1. Horror Is Year-Round
   The horror genre lives on, whether it's January, July, Or October. There are new horror movies being released in the theaters, on demand, or just being available for viewing at any time. And that is the movie genre that Halloween thrives on. If you happen to run into a festive horror film like "Thankskilling," "Krampus," or the upcoming release "Black Christmas," go check them out. And color this holiday season with holiday DREAD!

2. Be Darkly Festive
   There are wonderful ways to keep the holidays spooky. Along with those holiday horror releases, enjoy twisted Christmas Carols, a la Midnight Syndicate. A GHOSTLY GATHERING is a most wonderful collection of spooky Christmas music to give the holidays a more ominous tone.

3. Remember...It's Only A Couple Of Months
   There may not be much love for the holidays. And I get it. Old ladies pepper spraying people to grab a 70 inch flat screen T.V. Constant trampling and fighting in department stores for sales that (if folks were smart enough) are kind of around all year. The day(s) known as Black Friday (and now unfortunately Thanksgiving has dipped into the consumer madness) are basically blood sport for the shopping zombies. But this insanity only lasts a couple of months. Once the new year hits, you can go back to your horror goodness and enjoy it until this silliness rears it head. But it will once again be a whole year.

   You may not be completely against Christmas. That's cool. But you still have The Halloween Blues. What's a cure for your blues? Be The Pumpkin King! Or Queen! Enjoy your Thanksgiving! Enjoy your Christmas! But enjoy it as that ghoul you now exist as! Flaunt it around your 'normie' friends. Be that gothic Santa Claus you always wanted! You have one life...live it as you see fit! Revel in the holidays with ghoulish delight!

So in closing, have fun, be safe, and remember...Halloween is a state of mind. There are more and more ways to 'blur the lines' when it comes to the festivities. Do it your own way. And may your days be merry and bright.
And may all your Christmases...be...a FRIGHT!



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